Halloween is the traditional celebration of the veil between
life and death. It originates with the Celtic (or Pagan) festival of Samhain,
when ghosts, spirits and fairies were thought to wander the earth, down the ‘death
roads’. Seers would sit at the Lych Gates of churches, and look out for the
dead of the coming year at this time.
In other cultures there are similar festivals, such as the
Day of the Dead in Mexico. To look at it another, more seriously spiritual way,
Halloween can be interpreted as the time to honour our loved ones who have
passed away, and invite their spirits into the home, to be warmed by the
hearth, and be with family.
The fun side of this tradition is of course Trick or Treat,
where children will dress up in ghoulish costumes, and come knocking on your
door seeking sweets and other delights.
We’ve trawled the bowels of the world wide web, to bring you
the best 5 flower-themed Halloween arts and craft ideas, that are the perfect
half-term activities to do with the kids, on what looks to be a rainy holiday!
Forbidden Rose

Halloween Bride
Equally striking, white roses delicately
covered in sparkling black glitter makes a lovely Halloween treat. You can try
black spray-on glitter for older children, but make sure you open the windows.
Or a tiny brush with that gloopy old PVA, dabbed onto petals and then sprinkled
with ordinary black glitter, means the little ones can have fun too!
This lovely bouquet (above), of fresh white
roses teamed with fluffy gypsohpelia, imaginatively called ‘Six Stolen
Kisses’, is £24.99 from Lily Blossom. Again, delivered straight to your door.
Pumpkin Brains!
Scoop out your large pumpkin, and fill with
rich red and orange flowers until it is overflowing. Try these
from our Autumn Gift Bag, which starts at £22.99.
Or, paint your pumpkin black, with blackboard
paint from Amazon, for around £5 per tin. Draw a face on your pumpkin with
chalk- if it goes wrong, you can just rub it off! Fill with black and orange,
black and red, or black and white flowers. Or spray your pumpkin a lustrous
gold, and fill with cream roses.
Trick or Treat
A simple skull, on a ‘silver platter’
filled with vibrant, fiery autumn flowers conjures up more exotic celebrations
of life and death, such as the Mexican Day of the Dead. We like this skull (below) from
Fairtrade gift shop Evolution.
It is around £10.00. It’s actually a money box! Ask your
guests to throw a £1 coin in the box, for a Halloween themed fundraising dinner
,and a novel twist on the tradition of Trick or Treat!
Creepy Crawly Calla Lilies
Ask us to deliver you thirteen luscious, mango-coloured
calla lilies. Place them in an elegant tall, black or orange vase. Then get out
your glue: a dab on each silky petal, and the kids can place a plastic
creepy crawly onto the leaves and petals. Voila! A striking, yet elegant
Halloween display.
You can buy big bags of creepy crawlies on
Amazon, or your local Pond Shop will do plenty this time of year!
Honouring Loved Ones Past
For a more deeply spiritual homage to the
tradition of Halloween, try sticking black butterflies (a symbol of
transcendence and transformation), to these beautiful white calla lilies, which
symbolise ascension and purity, and are used all over the world to mark the
passage between life and death. Frame pictures of your loved ones who have
passed away, in white or black frames, and place these around the vase of
flowers, at the centre of the table, with a white candle. This is a lovely
centrepiece, which invites the spirits of your loved ones to come and be with
their family at the dinner table, for the night, and over the festive period.
The candle is supposed to guide them home from the spirit world.
This is a lovely way to open up a conversation
with your children about a loved one who has passed away. It’s a very
therapeutic activity. Perhaps you’ll find yourself making it a yearly

We would love to see your pictures and photos of your Halloween themed displays, that you have made with your children. Send them to us at: info@lilyblossomflorists.com.
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