“A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.”
Tenneva Jordan
It was the French writer and film maker Marguerite Duras,
that said our mothers remain the
strangest, craziest people we’ve ever met, and it’s probably true!
What’s truer still, is that there’s few people more special
than mum.
The phrase ‘working mother’
is redundant, declares Jane Sellman. And we completely agree. Whether mum has a ‘job’ or not, being a mother, is work in and of itself. No
mother needs to justify whether she chooses to remain at home, or not. Mums work tirelessly. That is without
She’s done the late night feeds, the cooking, the cleaning, the
kissing, and the scolding, often working tirelessly behind the scenes, putting
her own needs and ambitions aside, patching up our knees when we fall, always
there with a hug, and a smile, celebrating our wins, comforting our losses.
Mum, is irreplaceable.
And yet, it’s often, only Mother’s Day, or birthdays, when we acknowledge them! Two paltry
days in the year!
Well, here at Lily Blossom, we thought it was time to change
that. So…
We’ve decided, that every single month, we’re going to help
you celebrate your Mum. Here’s how it’s going to work:

Then guess what we’re going to do…
We’re going to put all the people who liked us, into a prize
draw, back at our florist’s studio.
And we’ll pick a name out of a flowery
hat. (That was metaphorical. We don’t actually have a flowery hat).
If it is your name that is drawn, we’re going to send a bouquet of fresh, lovely flowers,
straight to your treasured mum’s
door, from, well, you!!
It’s completely free,
we must add. Completely, one hundred percent, free of charge. No money involved. No profit for us. This is not a
profit making exercise. Repeat: this is not a profit making exercise.
Free flowers.
For your mum.
Yes, it really is that simple.
Now, when we say ‘mum’,
she doesn’t have to be your birth mother.
But you know who we mean: the woman who has been there for you, through thick
and thin. A mother, by any other
name. Well, a rose is still a rose,
and all that!
Or perhaps you’d like to surprise your Mrs, or your daughter, with our bouquet of beautiful blooms. She could be your best mate,
who is a single-mum-super-woman-extraordinaire! Foster mum,
adopted mum, new mum, working mum, stay-at-home mum, earth mother, Tiger mum or matriarch.
They’re all lovely, and they all deserve a bunch
of flowers, surely. In fact, that’s the very least they deserve. But that’s
what we do, here at Lily Blossom,
being a florist and all, so that’s
what we’re giving. A gorgeous bouquet of fragrant floral loveliness. There’s only one rule- she has to be a Mum!
That’s all there is to it.
It’s not often a business give products away for free, now is it? So why are we doing it?
The answer’s simple. Many of us florists, are mothers.
Or fathers who greatly admire the work our partners do for our children, and all
that our mums did for us. So we
thought we’d give our nation’s mothers
an extra-special reason to smile.
Well, that’s our ‘A Little Smile for Mum’ campaign quietly
launched. Time to crack open the champagne!
Help us celebrate motherhood
in all its glory and all its forms. Like us. Share us. Spread that flowery
lurve. We’ll do the rest.
We love to hear about the wonderful things our mums do for
us, so if you’d like to share a melting mumsy moment, post to us below.
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